Condominium Board

SW Calgary

Client: Condominium Board, SW Calgary

Problem: Our client, the owner of an apartment-style condominium located along the Bow River, was facing high waste and recycling costs due to base fees and added charges, such as fuel surcharges and environmental fees. These additional costs were straining their budget and reducing overall satisfaction with their waste management services.

Solution: Waste In Motion conducted a comprehensive audit of the client’s waste management services and pricing structure. By identifying inefficiencies and unnecessary surcharges, Waste In Motion was able to propose a new waste and recycling plan that significantly reduced costs.

Result: The client implemented Waste In Motion’s cost-saving plan, resulting in projected net savings of $70,000 over a 36-month period. This substantial reduction in waste costs has provided much-needed financial relief and improved the overall efficiency of waste management operations at the condominium.

Waste in Motion

How We Help Businesses Like Yours

At Waste In Motion, we make waste management simple and effective. Whether you’re running a commercial building, industrial site, or residential property, our customized solutions help you reduce waste, save costs, and hit your sustainability targets. It’s not just about managing waste—it’s about creating smarter, greener spaces for the future.

Waste in Motion

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